Boarding schools in Illinois
Illinois is one of the main study destinations in the US. Today, the state hosts 47,000 international students, including minors. Since parents are responsible for the well-being of their children, the best choice for minor students is boarding schools in Illinois. They have comprehensive study programs, as well as after-school activities, arts, and athletics for international students. In addition, boarding schools in Illinois offer on-campus accommodations and guarantee a safe and secure environment for international students.

State Overview
Before discussing the best boarding schools in Illinois for international students, it might be interesting to learn more about the state named after the Illinois River. Its total area is 149,997 km2, and its total population is 12,812,508 citizens. It borders Wisconsin, Iowa, Missouri, Kentucky, and Indiana. The capital of the state is Springfield, and the largest metropolitan areas are Chicago, Greater St. Louis, Peoria, and Rockford.
Illinois has a rich cultural heritage, with residents of German, Irish, British, Polish, and Italian ancestry, among others. The official language of the state is English, while others spoken languages are Spanish, Polish, and French.
Illinois has a highly diverse economy. Its main industrial and agricultural hubs are in the north and center of the state, while natural resources such as coal, timber, and petroleum are in the south. Due to its central location and favorable geography, Illinois is a major transportation hub in the region. The Port of Chicago has access to the Gulf of Mexico from the Mississippi River via the Illinois Waterway and to the Atlantic Ocean through the Saint Lawrence Seaway and Great Lakes.
One of the world’s major cultural, economic, and commercial centers is Chicago, informally referred to as Chicagoland. The city is home to about 65% of the state’s residents. Moreover, it is the most popular destination in the state, drawing tourists from across America and around the world. Its main attractions are Millennium Park, Cloud Gate, Navy Pier, Wrigley Field, Art Institute of Chicago, Shedd Aquarium, Willis Tower Skydeck, and Lincoln Park Zoo, to name a few.
The other tourist destinations across the state are Matthiessen State Park, Mississippi Palisades State Park, Grand View Drive, Illinois Beach State Park, Buffalo Rock State Park, Discovery Center Museum, and Anderson Japanese Garden. Boarding schools in Illinois often arrange school trips for international students. Thus, they will have the opportunity to visit all the interesting places in the state.

Types of Boarding Schools in Illinois
There are several types of boarding schools in Illinois, and most schools fit more than one type. College preparatory schools are the main type of boarding schools in Illinois. They prepare international students for admission to the best colleges and universities in the US. Their study offerings include Advanced Placement (AP) courses, Honors classes, and International Baccalaureate (IB) programs. College preparatory schools also have various extracurricular activities, such as arts, athletics, and clubs.
The next type is a Fine Arts boarding school, which focuses on the preparation of the students for careers in the arts. Their study programs tend to be less rigorous since they concentrate on the student’s artistic development. Another type is Sports boarding school. They also have less rigorous study programs because they train elite athletes.
Each school in the US has freedom of religion. Still, boarding schools in Illinois can be non-denominational or religious, such as Anglican, Christian, Catholic, Quaker, Baptist, or Episcopalian. By the way, boarding schools in Illinois can be coeducational and admit students of all genders. They can also be gender specific and accept only boys or only girls.
Main Features of Boarding Schools in Illinois
Among the main reasons why parents prefer to send their children to boarding schools in Illinois are their unique features. These schools offer everything in one package: rigorous study programs, athletics, the arts, extracurricular activities, on-campus accommodation, and supervision.
All boarding schools in Illinois have a Code of Conduct. It specifies the rights and responsibilities of the students and the school, as well as lists prescribed disciplinary measures for rule violations. Parents and international students need to read and sign the document during admission to the school. The Code of Conduct of boarding schools in Illinois guarantees that students behave well and study hard.
The second feature is accommodation. International students live in modern dorms with teachers, who act as their supervisors. They also plan school events and field trips for international students who study at boarding schools in Illinois.
The next feature is the rare sports offerings. Except for soccer, baseball, and basketball, some boarding schools have surfing, horse riding, mountain skiing, or mountain biking.
The fourth feature of boarding schools in Illinois is individualized education. Schools have small-sized classes, which allows teachers to pay more attention to each student. By the way, individualized education correlates with higher grades, self-esteem, and self-development.
One more feature of the schools is the advanced curriculum and available electives. Boarding schools in Illinois are proud of their advanced classes in subjects such as foreign languages, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math), and STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math). Boarding schools also offer elective classes in addition to the core curriculum.
The last feature of boarding schools in Illinois is the excellent college counseling program. That is why international students are admitted to high-ranked colleges and universities in the US and across the world.
The Best Boarding Schools in Illinois
Now, it is worth discussing the best boarding schools in Illinois. Lake Forest Academy is a private, coeducational college preparatory day and boarding Grades 9–12 school on the North Shore in Lake Forest, about 50 km north of Chicago. The school has accreditation by the Independent Schools Association of the Central States (ISACS), the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS), and the Secondary School Admission Test Board (SSATB).
Lake Forest Academy attracts international students who seek rich and rewarding learning experiences and relationships. Students develop the confidence to stretch beyond their comfort zones solving everyday challenges. Each year, the school welcomes about 400 students from 15 states and 40 countries. International students live in five single-sex dormitories.
Lake Forest Academy has a variety of athletic facilities, such as a swimming pool, tennis courts, an all-weather track, an ice arena, a gymnasium, an athletic wing, a fitness center, and playing fields for football, field hockey, and soccer. The school offers cross-country running, hockey, golf, soccer, swimming, tennis, volleyball, basketball, squash, baseball, and softball. Students may also partake in non-team activities such as bowling, weightlifting, curling, salsa dance, jogging, lacrosse, water polo, and yoga.
Lake Forest Academy also supports students who are keen on arts. Its offerings include choir, symphony orchestra, acting, design, drawing, painting, electronic music, advanced music production, and sculpture. International students who have a serious interest in the arts can apply to the Arts Concentration Program.
The curriculum of Lake Forest Academy is individualized and tailored to each student. International students have a multitude of choices each year, not only in the classroom but also in all aspects of community life. As students progress in their studies, they can take AP courses, independent studies, and a variety of electives. The school offers 24 AP courses, which have the distinction of being some of the most challenging ones in the curriculum.
Lake Forest Academy is one of the strongest college preparatory schools in the US. It is not surprising that many school graduates study at Ivy League schools, Little Ivies, and other top-ranked colleges and universities. The most popular destinations for graduates are the University of Illinois, Northwestern University, Boston University, Wake Forest University, University of Michigan, Duke University, and the University of California – Berkeley.

Average Tuition Fees for International Students
The average tuition fee in boarding schools in Illinois is $68,000 per year. For instance, tuition and boarding for international students in the Lake Forest Academy cost $71,975 per year.
In case, if you need help with finding a good boarding school for your children in Illinois, please fill in application below or contact us directly.